Relationship Counselling

Love relationships matter so much!

I practice Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples …

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a wonderful counselling process for guiding couples to deepen their intimacy, closeness and connection, while healing the bruises and bumps.

EFT helps couples to rebuild trust where it has been broken.  It provides a safe platform for couples to find their way to feeling loved and accepted.

Fees $100 – $130 per hour

Online counselling only.

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?

EFT focuses on the emotional bond between partners and helps couples to rebuild their loving connection.

It is a highly researched, effective, and evidence-based relationship counselling model. Most relationship problems arise from a disruption to this special bond. EFT helps partners experience more openness and trust with each other, making it safe again to reach out to each other for comfort.

Is EFT for you?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is:
  • for couples who want to break away from the cycle of arguing, blaming, silence, and frustration.
  • for couples who want to reconnect and develop safe emotional connections.
  • now one of the most researched approaches to relationship counselling which boasts a 75-90% success rate in clinical studies and has been validated by over 25 years of empirical research.

What does EFT do?

EFT results in rebuilding trust, deepens intimacy and closeness and strengthening the intimate partner bond.


EFT counselling begins by exploring and learning about a couple’s negative cycle of communication. There is always a repeating negative communication pattern (or cycle) in a troubled relationship. One that causes us to erupt, fight, hurt each other, attack or withdraw into the corners. A cycle that erodes intimacy and emotional safety, and results in a serious disconnection and, in some cases serious emotional injury that threatens to take the relationship out.


The EFT process works with this cycle until both people in the couple have a really good understanding of what their negative ‘pattern’ is; and can begin to interrupt it, and to stop the negative cycle/pattern from taking over the relationship.

From there EFT focuses on how to reconnect and recover closeness after a disagreement, or disconnection, repairing past injuries, and making it safe to reach out to each other.

EFT results in rebuilding trust, deepens intimacy and closeness and strengthening the intimate partner bond.

EFT counselling works to restore trust, closeness and intimacy in adult relationships.

Eft was developed by Dr Sue Johnson. Watch her explain the theory of love attachment and EFT.

“Securely connected couples, who can turn to each other for emotional support are much better able to deal with life’s stresses and have generally better health than those who are without a close and secure partner.”

Dr Sue Johnson, developer of EFT


Find the way forward …

I’ve been a Counsellor for about 25 years, working with couples, individuals, and families. EFT has transformed my own life and counselling work.  It is a privilege to be working with couples to rediscover the ‘us’.  EFT just makes perfect sense. I use EFT principles in all of my counselling work.

Fees $100 – $130 per hour

Online counselling only.

Recommended resources

Hold Me Tight by Dr Susan Johnson

Available from local libraries; or purchase a copy from The Women’s Bookshop or buy a Kindle edition from Amazon.

An Emotionally Focused Workbook for Couples: The Two of Us by Veronica Kallow-Lilly & Jennifer Fitzgerald


On-line programme

There is an on-line 8 session couples programme guided by Dr Susan Johnson.

View programme …

0274 383 844